Your Experience
SpiritQuest retreats are well organized and wisely facilitated to foster harmony and compassion in the group dynamic while preserving space for personal privacy and integration as needed. Your personal safety and well-being is our highest priority. We have safety and emergency protocols in place and our operation is in full compliance with all Peruvian licensing and safety requirements. Several members of our staff are medically certified in emergency first aid and CPR. We do everything possible to assure that you are safe and protected at all times.
SpiritQuest Ayahuasca ceremonies are conducted by several Maestros and assisted by a number of ceremonial aides. This provides a superb healer/patient ratio for whatever special attention may be needed. Authentic Shamanic healing is highly personalized and we make sure everyone receives the personal guidance and attention needed to get the most from this work.
Our group size typically ranges from 12 to 25 people, occasionally more or less. Standard lodging is double occupancy but single rooms may be available depending on group size.
Our unique multidisciplinary transcultural foundation provides a superb bridge between modern western and traditional Shamanic culture and worldview. We combine Shamanic traditionalism with contemporary professionalism to create an unparalleled opportunity for this work. Our retreat ambiance is spiritual in focus but not religious, relaxed and non-dogmatic, yet appropriately focused to nurture thoughtful intention, concentration, and integration. We cultivate a positive, mature group dynamic respectful of free will and all paths of higher consciousness.
Our work is intended for seekers of healing, truth, and new beginnings in their lives. We are therefore appropriately selective in whom we accept to our work. Participation is screened by written questionnaire for intention, attitude, safety factors, and compatibility with our style of work. Not everyone is cut out for plant medicine work for various reasons, so we aim to select people with compatible personal qualities and intentions. Our vetting procedures also help to assure a smooth blend of kindred spirits willing to engage this work in a warm, cooperative, and mutually supportive manner. You may arrive a stranger but you’ll likely leave with a new spiritual home and lifelong friends.

We are seriously focused in our practice of traditional Shamanism and would expect you to bring a respectful attitude and an open mind and heart if accepted. Sincere and positive intention, willingness to trust, patience, perseverance, emotional maturity, and a strong work ethic - make no mistake about it, work with Ayahuasca and/or Huachuma is most assuredly work! - are essential.
Serious work with the spirit plant medicines is holistic therapy which is challenging in many respects. It is not an easy path at times, and real work is required to get the most from it. That said, the benefits can be profoundly healing, transformative, and enduring, bringing new dimensions and a fresh start to your life. It’s all about striving for reciprocity, the ancient Andean principle of Ayni, and finding balance between what is received and what is given.
When you work with a sacred plant medicine teacher with the proper set and setting, you develop and cultivate your own, custom design, tailor-made, and one-of-a-kind relationship with Ayahuasca and/or Huachuma. It’s uniquely your own, and it’s personal. Work with these sacred plant medicine teachers is interactive, synergistic, and you are at a point in your life when you are ready to significantly level up or make a dramatic change.
The optimal approach is to not to read much about other people's sacred plant medicine experiences before undertaking your own. Of course almost everyone does this, but it can create unrealistic expectations or instill anxiety or fear which may impede your progress with the medicine.
Nonetheless, if you have a natural curiosity to read, watch, or listen to other people's experiences at SpiritQuest Sanctuary, under the Resources section of our website, and linked below, you can find many excellent resources which further explore our work:
Video Documentaries
Reflections from SpiritQuest Alumni