Guided Shamanic Plant Dietas at SpiritQuest Sanctuary
We extend the opportunity to undertake a genuine, guided Shamanic vegetalista plant dieta following Ayahuasca SpiritQuest retreats. A guided plant dieta must be preceded by a cycle of work with Ayahuasca, or Ayahuasca and Huachuma, to cleanse and open the senses and heart consciousness in preparation of the body, mind, and spirit for the communion with the spirit of the dieted plant. Sincere intention, strong personal discipline, concentration, and patience are primary requirements of the plant apprentice.
You should not underestimate the rigors of the guided plant dieta. It is not easy. At the same time, you should not underestimate the wonders of new dimensions of consciousness which may be attained through diligent achievement of a dieta.
Our Statement of Intention
We practice and teach only Curanderismo, the Shamanic art of healing in the Amazonian-Andean modalities. Our work is dedicated to the holistic healing and spiritual enlightenment of all humanity, or as we say at SpiritQuest, "Para El Bien De Todos!" (meaning, For The Good Of All!). We do not teach or practice brujeria, the art of sorcery, nor do we conduct dietas with plantas brujas - plants such as Toé, Catawah, Lupuna Colorado, Capirona, or others. We diet pura medicina (pure medicine).

Listening to the Plants
The guided Shamanic plant dieta is a silent retreat requiring strict isolation from social contact and conversation except during the icaro and personal healing session with Don Rober and Doña Eliana. If undertaken with diligence and discipline, you may achieve communion and a connection of consciousness with the spirit of the plant to learn the nature and applications of its medicine. The dieted plant is taken daily or every other day as prescribed by the Maestros.
SpiritQuest dietas are conducted in the pure, old-fashioned jungle tradition of classical vegetalismo in the Lamista tradition. The dieta is a rigorous and sometimes challenging exercise in personal discipline, focus, dedication, and strength of intention. The dieta is an honor-system practice in which you receive from it what you put into it.
Plants recommended for an initiatory dieta include Bobinsana, Ajo Sacha, Camalonga, Chiric Sanango, Motelo Sanango, and Guayusa. Each has its own unique and distinctive medicine and healer-teacher spirit qualities which are progressively revealed during the course of the dieta. The Maestros will help you select the best plant to diet following your participation in the preceding Ayahuasca ceremonies and after having a personal dialogue and consultation with you.
The Maestros frequently recommend Bobinsana (Calliandra angustiflora) for those who are undertaking their first guided Shamanic plant diet. Bobinsana is an amazing Amazonian teacher healer plant which opens and heals the heart and clarifies feelings and emotions. Bobinsana is also a dream plant often leading to vivid dreams for many nights after partaking it. Bobinsana is an admixture plant in our Ayahuasca medicine, the focus of a special Bobinsana ceremony during our Ayahuasca retreats, and an excellent option for a dedicated plant dieta guided by Don Rober and Doña Eliana.
Numerous other medicinal plants can also be dieted for specific healing properties based on your individual health condition. Some of these include Chuchuhuasi, Chullachaqui Caspi, Ayahuma, Ishpingo Caspi, Motelo Sanango, and Catahua.
The typical duration of plant dietas at the Sanctuary is 1 week. A 7-day cycle at SpiritQuest Sanctuary includes preliminary instruction, room, board, dieta meals, and daily (or every other day, depending on what the Maestros prescribe) Mapacho icaro ceremonies with the spirit of the dieted plant guided by Maestro Curandero Don Rober and Curandera Doña Eliana. Longer dietas may be arranged on a case-by-case basis. During an extended dieta you may diet different plants consecutively but not concurrently, with a minimum of 1 week for each plant.

The Dietary Regimen
The guided plant dieta has a strict dietary regimen of abstinence from salt, sugar, oils, sexual activity, soap, shampoo, or any other artificial substance. You will abstain salt, refined sugar, alcohol (except when administered as an extraction agent for a plant medicine), red meat, animal fats, saturated oils, and hot spices from 3 days before until 3 days after the end of the dieta. Pork should be avoided for at least 2 weeks before and after a guided plant dieta.
The food is ample but intentionally very bland and narrow in variety, consisting mainly of boiled or grilled fish, boiled yuca, boiled plantains, quinoa, heart of palm, hard-boiled eggs, water, and sometimes limonada. This augments subtle energetic sensitivity to enable you to engage the consciousness of the plant. Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian diets are all easily accommodated. Other foods may be included by Don Rober at his discretion.
Abstinence from sexual activity, including masturbation, is required from 3 days before to 3 days after the dieta ends. This is an important aspect of the dieta. Sexual abstinence conserves essential energy and focuses mental and spiritual energy in more profound realms.
A Challenging and Rewarding Opportunity
Authentic traditional plant dietas are challenging for most people. They require dedication, self-discipline, concentration, and an open mind and heart. This serves to heighten subtle sensitivity to enable you to engage the consciousness of the plant.
For those who feel called to do a guided Shamanic plant dieta, we will safely escort you into the timeless world of traditional Peruvian sacred plant Shamanism. You will have the opportunity to learn about the true nature and functions of archaic core Shamanism and realize remarkable personal benefits. Be prepared and willing to set aside conventional western paradigms and engage new ways of perceiving the worlds around and within you.