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Selva Lawler
Jan 7, 20221 min read
Sharing at Christmas
Donations from our SpiritQuest Retreat guests in December enabled us to make significant gifts of food and supplies to indigenous peoples...

Selva Lawler
Dec 21, 20207 min read
Wildly Optimistic for What's to Come
I took off for a weekend last month just to try and recall the whole year. All of the faces and all of the places, wonderin' where they...

Selva Lawler
Nov 17, 20203 min read
An Attitude of Gratitude
Hi fam! Sometimes I have a unifying theme to discuss. This is not one of those times. Here are a few updates. OCT. 30 - NOV. 1 ONLINE...

Selva Lawler
Oct 12, 20203 min read
Memoires of Maestro
Don Howard October 3, 1947 — October 13, 2019 "We’re all on borrowed time," Don Howard noted, "just trying to borrow a little more."...

Selva Lawler
Sep 28, 20202 min read
Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 Online Reunion for SpiritQuest Graduates
Hey fam! Thank you so much for everyone who filled out the survey I circulated. As responses and phenomenal ideas continued to trickle...

Selva Lawler
Aug 24, 20203 min read
October 2020 Online Reunion for SpiritQuest Alumni
"Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up." - Oliver Wendell Holmes It's been an...

Selva Lawler
Jul 29, 20209 min read
Nutritious & Delicious
Hey fam! I wanted to send an update sans words that rhyme with Jonah Cyrus. Given that we still haven't conducted any retreats since...

Selva Lawler
Jun 25, 20206 min read
The Garden of Your Mind
If we don't regularly maintain SpiritQuest Sanctuary, the jungle swallows everything in sight. Accordingly, we continue to perform...

Selva Lawler
May 26, 20205 min read
A Lifetime in a Day
Lending a Hand in Support of SpiritQuest's Staff Due to the coronavirus and the total shutdown of international travel, SpiritQuest has...

Selva Lawler
May 1, 20205 min read
The Things You Look At Change
I've repeatedly gotten the question: what are things like in Peru at the moment? In many respects, it feels like some scene in Bill...

Selva Lawler
Apr 11, 20206 min read
The world has been ground to a halt by a virus approximately one ten-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. Something that is invisible...

Selva Lawler
Apr 2, 20205 min read
#31 - The Last Time
"No matter how many times you do something, there will come a day when you do it for the last time." - Sam Harris There will be a last...

Selva Lawler
Mar 22, 20208 min read
#30 - Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
I remember a few months back reading about the wildfires rampaging through much of Australia. A bookstore in the fire-ravaged town of...

Selva Lawler
Mar 12, 20207 min read
#29 - Is a Thing Right? (Coronavirus Update)
It was a no-no. And a big one, at that. The participant in question was looking to do an Ayahuasca tour, and wanted SpiritQuest to be one...

Selva Lawler
Feb 18, 202010 min read
#28 - The Bank of Ayni & Reciprocity
Ayni. If you've done our work, you know that the Quechuan term Ayni means reciprocity. In some places in Peru, Ayni is translated as,...

Selva Lawler
Feb 4, 20207 min read
#27: Mission Very Difficult: Effing the Ineffable
Hermanas y hermanos! It's nice to be back in the newsletter flow! Our team took some well deserved time off around the holidays and...

Selva Lawler
Dec 27, 20199 min read
#26: A Year in Review & Naive Optimism...Check!
As the sun is about to set on 2019, there are no shortage of pieces online that take a look back in the rearview mirror and provide...

Selva Lawler
Nov 19, 20193 min read
#25 - An Illuminating Glimpse: The New
Certain people accomplish feats in their lives that figuratively become the culmination of a life's work. You need look no further than...

Selva Lawler
Oct 29, 201911 min read
#24 - There's Always More
(Quick initial note for people receiving this e-newsletter for the first time: I've recently connected with a number of you, and if you...

Selva Lawler
Oct 17, 201913 min read
#23 - Rest In Pride, Don Howard. Your Power of Love Radiates Brighter than Ever!
Don Howard Lawler October 3, 1947 - October 13, 2019 (Ascended) My friend and SpiritQuest grad Martin and I are collaborating and...
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